Saturday, October 29, 2005

Georgia Browne
Further to my trippin' and strummin' piece on Miss Ten Percent, I'm not having the BI Revue get away with dissing our belovèd Georgia by squandering space on the mobile hobo Williams.
Besides, as with the Nezam/Kordonwy utterances, there are some equally juicy quotes that I intend to make my own and spout at the right time and place.
I read that the Dylan-y tasteful EW had his 15 mins of fame on LA Radio.
Well, Mr Williams has a superb CD out - "Someday" (eminently worth tracing) - thanks to which he is enjoying *more* than a mere quart d'heure over in the UK's Brighton by the sea.
A local DJ visited me a while back and could not stop playing 'Whiskey Angel', so I gave it to her to take back to educate the Brits and she apparently uses it as a bridge in between dashing off to the loo.
Each time she does, her listeners go into paroxysms of desire to own it for themselves.
I of course pose as Mr Ten Percent, collecting the royalty cheque(s) and assuring Madam DJ that I play the honourable agent and bank it in my client's account.
In truth, I can see why interviewer Rhona Schwartz gave Eddie such space.
He talks a good game.
"Most of the songs I've written that folks really like - the pretty ones - I can't imagine ever writing. [Wait for it] "My cynicism has poisoned the broth" "I'm just another guy with a guitar ..." Altho' Williams and Browne have shared a stage before, they are no duet act.
"I don't want us to lose our identities ... We're not double-dipping."
"When she sings with me, the appeal of my stuff goes up 10 percent"
Just kidding - he said *100* percent.
I include that shot up there of the handsome couple because I so like the fond look Georgia is giving her chap, but Busker can play tabloid with the best.
Just as those grubby rags in the supermarket run these shots of show biz couples where they are *not* billing and cooing, I too have a contribution in the form of that snap on the right, a clearly bored EW, wishing he was back on the road again, tripping and single-dipping that cynical broth.
As for the perfectly proportioned Browne, she is giving a clear come-on to the man behind the lens. Which suits me fine.
- First Friday 'live'
- November 4, 7:30pm
- Miller Road's Island Center Hall, tel 842 2306 xt 25
- Tickets: $8 and $5.00
- Sponsors: the stalwart Bainbridge Island Park and Recreation District (emphasis, while we're in tripping bloggy mood, on the Recreation)