Monday, December 12, 2005
Pedia Wickedness
What a nice man John Seigenthaler sounds:
Idiot Brian Chase posts a prank entry about JS that's now cast doubts over Wikipedia's accuracy in general. (I'm sure other japes have been played, just not such high profile).
The buffoon Chase "did not realise the online encyclopedia was taken so seriously." Not the way to endear himself to 'The Community'.
Turns out the twit did it just to trick a co-worker.
Resigned Job: Not entirely sure why Chase saw fit to step down from his job as an operations manager with some Nashville delivery company, but the gesture was a decent one. Maybe the backlash publicity seeped over and customers questioned how reliably their affairs could be operating with a twerp like that at the helm.
The prank caused Wikipedia to change policy: only registered users now allowed to create entries, which must irk the rank-and-file punters.
Despite the brouhaha, the classy Mr Seigenthaler isn't taking legal action *plus* he's urged Mr Chase's boss not to accept his resignation. Aloof and a gent.