Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Don't Let the Music Stop
I must have around 300 CDs, collected over the years, racked by A ton of which I no longer play. In company, it's different: For Mum: Peter, Paul and Mary, Burl Ives or Charlie Kunz. Charles Trenet. Tonight, fave girl up from up from LA. Pasta 'n' salad, dry Fino kick off with the mezzès, muscular Chinon with the main course. Never heard Randy Newman, this chickadee, so I shoved on his Paradise album. I swear, that bad boy is impossible to have on the turntable and talk at the same time. His lyrics hypnotise. Track one, opening verse of "I Love LA": Roll down the window, put up the top, Magic.
Big nasty redhead by my side,
Santa Anna winds blowing hot from the north,
We were born to ride.
Crank up the Beach Boys, baby,
Don't let the music stop,
We gonna ride it 'til we just can't ride it no more."