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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Methadone & Muggings

No sooner do I post about Venables and Thompson and the lightly disguised Boy A novel, than Bulger-Mum Denise strides back into the limelight.

Like all sleaze rags that steal and defame, the Sun takes freely but of course won't share, so I can't illustrate this post with their splendid pic of Denise looking the "outraged mum" - but do click on the link because it's a humdinger of a shot and must have taken ages to pose to get just the menacing hell-hath-no-fury-like-a-mum look just right.

les meurtriers jenuesWhy is she outraged? Encouraging news that could be the crack in the secrecy we've been waiting for that finally sees the pair outed:

  • Denise wants a Home Office inquiry into claims that Thompson (23) has been driven to heroin addiction and is being prescribed methadone on the tax payer in a bid to get him off the Big H.
  • It seems that him being on heroin in the first place breaches his parole.
  • And it's not just the gutter press - the distinguished Liverpool Post also carries coverage.
  • Next ray of hope is, if anything, even more promising: Accomplice Jon Venables is said to have been treated at a Merseyside hospital after being duffed up in the area. Geographically, this would have been a breach of his  parole in that he's not allowed back into that area.

    So ... juicy stuff for the news hounds to pounce on and I don't reckon it'll be too long before we see some decent headlines and proper clear pics.

    What's most hope-inspiring is

    1. They appear not to have done a 'Bainbridge Bunk' to salubrious dwellings in darkest New Zealand, but stayed right where it all happened. So much easier to be traced and making such a better eventual story.
    2. Far from my fears that they'd changed out of recognition and emerged from Oxbridge with brilliant degrees, they both seem to have stayed spooked and made a right mess of things. Ditto a good story for the gutter scribes.
    3. If Venables is going to be booted around on his own home patch, then *someone* knows what's going on - like, the entire public bar of the Star & Garter, not to mention half the ER section of Birmingham General.

    It's all happening. I reckon Denise can start preparing a little more of a smirk.

    Some ancient Bleeding Heart links

  • Always fun to link to Spike
  • The good old Guardian
  • Heart-felt plea stuff

  • Comments:
    Denise Fergus is a vile rat face harridan. I wonder why she was not allowed into any shops in Kirby and had to go to bootle to do her thieving (and use her child as a pawn). Look her ugly chav scum face.

    You do realise that Thompson's girlfriend is expecting a child?
    thompson and venables should have been hanged
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