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Friday, September 16, 2005

peddy posters courtesy of photo by kitsap sun

Just Im-Peddy-Ment

How does the Book of Common Prayer have it?

The Banns for the Solemnization of Mayoralty?

"If any of you know cause, or just im-peddy-ment, why these two parties - candidate and electorate - should not be joined together in holy Mayoralty, ye are to declare it."

I have some interest in this race, and I pronounce William K. Peddy resoundingly "buzz-ted".

Luxuriant bouquets to be laid at the feet of Cathy "Nick 'em" Nickum and crack detective Althea "Bee-sting" Paulson - indeed, everyone in the The Buzzhive - for nailing peddy-vile gaps in the varlet's résumé.

I had huge fun 30 years ago publicizing the UK edition of WoodStein's "All the President's Men", and now I have the pleasure of saluting Bainbridge's very own Woodward and Bernstein, abbreviating so appropriately to Nick-Son that I hardly dare suggest it.

Getting back to Peddy, it's interesting to note that the man is not above plastering our island with vulgar self-promotion flags, but distances himself from us "little people" in observing a differently enforced code of truthfulness.

This sort of thing tends not to play well at the voting booth.

To quote and summarize:

William Peddy, photo courtesy of Steve Gardner article, Kitsap Sun Questions have emerged concerning qualifications asserted by mayoral candidate William K. Peddy.

The rattle of late-closing stable doors and the cluck of home-roosting poultry:

Several hours after The Buzz informed Peddy of these findings, campaign manager Jim Ølsen fired off an “amended” copy of Peddy’s achievements.

Surprise surprise: the revisionist version no longer boasts Willy boy's UC/Davis Bachelor degree.

Even less surprise: it presents a considerably more down-to-earth picture of Peddy’s sojourn in the Groves of Academe, namely “U.S. military service and real-life work experience as the functional equivalent of an undergraduate degree.”

And the final insult to all those to whom Peddy has peddled these inventions?
The adjustment of his distinguished directorate with the City of Colville down to frill-free “Building official”.

This is absolutely unacceptable in a man running for public office.

I feel the bile rise just remembering that smirking peacock stance in the doorway of City Hall on the evening of the debate. And now this, exposed as a braggart and fantasist.

TGIF, so I can head home and cleanse my palette with large and multiple draughts of the nectar from Arinambeast and Uigidale. Lord knows how many Peddy-purging swigs it'll take but these things have to be done.

Also to be done, hearty braVOs and unseemly hugs and slurred toasts and whooping ^5s to the Buzz on a really splendid job unearthing these facts ... and a loud raspberry to William K. Peddy for his functional equivalent of fibbing.

Not content to litter our highways with his signage and our Letters columns with his campaign manager's buffoonery, he prefers also to discard the truth as 'not relevant to this race'.

I've never been quite clear what Peddy affects to enforce, but he sure as hell offends *my* moral code.

'Knick-knack, Peddy whacked' News Flash: I see that none other than Steve Gardner has weighed in with a nifty piece in the Sept 15 Kitsap Sun.

Ace man for the job, Gardner, not one to be fobbed off with peddy-strian glib lies. Check out his take on a certain "BI Candidate Accused of Falsifying Past" (except that you need to be registered for that link, dammit).

Here's how Gardner kicks off:

"A contender for the Bainbridge Island mayor's position who has said he has a bachelor's degree is taking it back.

Will Peddy, Bainbridge Island's code compliance officer and one of four candidates for mayor, was challenged by The Bainbridge Buzz, an online site targeted at Bainbridge residents, for information his campaign provided to site administrators.

Among those was Peddy's claim to have a bachelor's degree in biology from the University of California at Davis. Peddy also wrote that he had a bachelor's in biology in a questionnaire he submitted to the Kitsap Sun but never named a college ..."

Also a nice little mealy-mouthed quote from James Ølsen, who

"Told the Kitsap Sun on Wednesday that the reference was 'a mistake,' and said he didn't know how the incorrect information originated.

Ølsen said Peddy has the equivalent work experience of a bachelor's degree."

"Equivalent work experience", eh?

How Ølsen and Peddy must have ransacked their Dissemblers Dictionary to come up with *that* juicy weasel term.

What, I wonder, will they use to gloss over their hoodwinking us with their "Equivalent Truth Experience".

Double-speak lives. Orwell is not mocked.

Dept of Credit Where Due:

Tsk, almost forgot. Before I give the impression of a lynx-eared Busker antenna, I only rumbled this peddyculous situation thanks to my daily Bloglet subscription and its tip-off that,

"The investigative piece by the Buzz team about Mr Peddy shows how citizen journalism works much better than traditional newspapers, especially when they don't embrace the new media. It is telling that the Buzz is so obviously better than the Review and the Sun/Islander.

[Ed note: Ouch yaroo! Body blow. In the spirit of my ever-toadying cultivation of media movers 'n' shakers, anyone mind if I distance myself from that Review/Islander barb?

I have some PR irons in the fire (not to mention dead letter-boxes placements  of used notes of non-sequential denomination) that I'd hate to see go to waste]

Bloglet continued:Did anybody also wonder what we get from BIB in terms of news (except the passive recording of city council meetings)?

Any idea of what the Buzz team could achieve with a similar budget?

Add email subscriptions to your weblog at the indispensible bloglet.com".

Duty discharged. Eric Blair giggling.

just a note from the Buzz -- My partner Althea Paulson deserves at least half the credit for buzz-ting this story open... she is one crack detective. Cathy Nickum
No sooner commented than corrected. Thanks
Uh, could you translate this last entry - the one with references to a body blow, etc. I just don't understand it and I really want to. There's apparently so much witty wording in it that I my dull-witted brain is at a loss. I think its referencing another blog but I'm not sure.
The bodies taking the blow are "traditional newspapers", the Review and the Sun/Islander, referred to in the editorial as having been bettered by the Buzz's "citizen journalism".

I can't remember if I was "referencing" another blog or not but I certainly had the Bainbridge Buzz in mind.

The piece strikes me as crystal clear from start to finish and I fail to see anything witty about it whatsoever.

If it really *does* leave you feeling dull-witted, I suggest you take that as indication that you should be reading elsewhere. Thank you for your interest all the same. CH
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