Saturday, September 03, 2005

Frisell at Bumbershoot
See what a curse a job is? No sooner do things go my way on the review/interview front than I land myself with honest employment and totally mess everything up. Last November - when I was free as a bird to go anywhere and write anything on the spot - the saintèd editor of the Bainbridge Review had the brill idea of assigning me to interview local strummer-made-good, Bill Frisell, and come up with a few hundred starry-eyed words on the occasion of the release of his unspeakably splendid album "Unspeakable", plus my take on his appearance at the Tractor Tavern. Despite my honeyest tongue, a month later and I *still* hadn't persuaded BF's PR minders to "officially" release his address on the Island and give me the go-ahead to chat up the great man. Then it was time for me to head Europe-wards so that was *that* gig blown. I do hate these charades, don't you? I played fair by the publiciste because I'm an ex-PR hack m'self and know the rules. But frankly, the number of cross-Sound ferry trips I shared with les Frisells as I waited for the go-ahead ... if I'd begged even 15 minutes per voyage via artiste wife, Carole, I'd've had a half hour more than originally planned for. Now that I'm manacled to my meetings schedule and hampered by all the money they keep tossing at me, up comes a different Nonesuch media queen who *speeds* me Frisell's East/West album by overnight runner bearing a gleaming review copy in a cleft stick. The album's named thus because it was - and I quote direct from senior editor, the ravissant John Kelman - "culled from a 2004 stint at Yoshi’s in Oakland and a 2003 run at the Village Vanguard in New York." Get it? Village Vanguard, east; Yoshi's, west? Of course you did. Wouldn't be on this page if you weren't swift on the uptake. Top-hole line-up: Bill Frisell: electric and acoustic guitars, loops; Viktor Krauss: bass (CD1); Tony Scherr: bass(CD2); Kenny Wollesen: drums, percussion. In fact, why don't I just read up on smoothie Kelman's review and simply plagiarise plagiarise ... how did Tom Lehrer have it? "Let nothing evade yer eyes ..." I doubt it'll be *that* crowded but you never know with the frisellia fans I *have* to say something about the album so I can mention BF's appearance at tomorrow's Bumbershoot.
I'm queuing early for Frisell and I stand corrected in that there has, I'm told, been *oodles* of publicity.