Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Les Femmes d'Enfer
I always feel a slight sense of failure when reduced to posting Island stuff - as if I'm somehow caving in to that bizarre commenteuse of receding memory.
But this is in a good cause, so ...
Roll up roll up for the Julie Leung Royal Command Performance of the Pacific Northwest's only All-Gal Cajun Dance Band: six women delivering "blistering two-steps, rockin’ Zydeco, and sweet waltzes."
- Rendez-vous: Waterfront Park - tonight, Wednesday, July 13
- Bring blanket and picnic - bring family, too, if you're feeling hardy
- Consort with other bloggers (ditto hardiness comment)
Fun starts 7pm
- Look to the right of the stage - away from the ferry dock, closest to the crew shells. Head for a large yellow blanket on which should be perched Julie, Ted, and a bevy of exquisitely behaved Filles de Paradis
- Added attraction: try to spot Bainbridge's best-known unknown Bloggère Anonyme gumshoeing it thru the shadows.
Go ahead, shoot me, but I happen to enjoy your BI perspectives. Not that I don't enjoy your other posts, at least most of the time, but you bring a uniquely Buskeresque viewpoint to island goings-on that I find refreshing. That said, as much as I enjoy Wednesday evenings in the park, events are conspiring to prevent my attendance this eve. Those Cajun gals might have to carry on sans moi.
actually, that was hugely tongue in cheek. i adore writing about Island stuff. in fact, that was an afterthought, added when i realised how depressingly curmudgeon-free that particular entry read.
i too enjoy some of my postings *most* of the time and have an excellent gauge in a rabid correspondent who reacts exactly as i would to my more outlandish or sloppy posts.
fearing for my sanity, i showed my daughters the posts in case i was sleep-tapping n we could nip it in the bud and have me confined without further ado. Verdict: probably not but uncomfortably close to what i might deliver after a fifth of Jim Beam. Heavens, what are my darlings doing even *knowing* such Ed McBain refreshments?
Mightily relieved to hear that you will not officially be at the Park n hence no danger of my learning yr ID. This relieves me of having to give the secret sign as we collide in some bower.
i too enjoy some of my postings *most* of the time and have an excellent gauge in a rabid correspondent who reacts exactly as i would to my more outlandish or sloppy posts.
fearing for my sanity, i showed my daughters the posts in case i was sleep-tapping n we could nip it in the bud and have me confined without further ado. Verdict: probably not but uncomfortably close to what i might deliver after a fifth of Jim Beam. Heavens, what are my darlings doing even *knowing* such Ed McBain refreshments?
Mightily relieved to hear that you will not officially be at the Park n hence no danger of my learning yr ID. This relieves me of having to give the secret sign as we collide in some bower.
What happened to the link to the BI blogger that is writing a book with a chapter a day that you had
earlier in the week?
earlier in the week?
a sharper eye than mine pointed out a fatal flaw in my post-Femmes d'Enfer/Bill Branley's Peggy page report. I saved it to draft as i sort things out.
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