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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

trail for bainbridge

Trail work party

June 25

Message from citizen-of-the-earth, Ed Hager, plus announcement of his new blog:

If you didn't already know - and I didn't - most of the trails on Bainbridge are maintained by a group of volunteers.

They meet the fourth Saturday of each month to do trail work, and really need as many people as they can get this week because they are wheelbarrowing rock to improve some very wet areas on the Fort Ward Hill trail.

Work party - from 10am to 2pm - but they have lots of people who leave early or don't show up until noon.

Thanks for spreading the word! :)
My great pleasure. Ultra-worthy cause, and isn't this what the blog "community" is about?

Passing the baton - you list it for your sober sensible readers, and I hand it on my loony crowd to go leap on their steeds and go riding off in all directions.

I'm also currently tutoring certain bulky young gentlemen in the effete subtleties of the diabolic intellect of Iago. They need an outlet for their energy.
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