Monday, April 25, 2005
I draw Anna's attention to Bainbridge Beat's joyful news that Jaywalking is not, in fact, illegal in the city of Bainbridge. We are heading for The Glass Onion and post office anyway, and A makes sure we park on the north side of Winslow Way and cross well away from any "zebra crossing", as I still call them, much to mamzel's amusement. Only disappointment is that no authority figure hails us or busy-body local reminds us of "the law". She is bored of my tales of Hong Kong where jaywalking is a way of life and one would never get anywhere without playing bulls and matadors with the traffic. Periodically the South China Morning Post would run a cartoon to comfort newcomers: Man A (shouting across an impenetrable stream of traffic): How did you get across there?" Man B: "I was born this side."