Thursday, December 16, 2004
Et voilà - the moving finger writes ... I tune in from my Greek hideaway to catch up on the latest chapters of decent gossip from home. I am not disappointed: two updates on burning topics over which I've been drooling for actual facts.First the tragedy of the Tolo-rolling Sarah Gillette:
- A hefty 9 months for the 14-yr old who ill-chanced to be at the wheel when they all went airborne.
- Hizzonner Russell W Hartman drove home the point that the Joanie Doe navigator wasn't the only one to have made a "string of bad choices."
- Nil surprise: the whole pack of them had fibbed willy-nilly to parents on their whereabouts.
- Double nil surprise: instead of dull ol' shopping, the scamps had been jammin' with the rest of us over at Seattle's famed and funky HempFest
- The were driving 'stolen' wheels: the parents hadn't a clue the jalopy had even gone. (By golly, just the thought of 'borrowing' the parental wheels for a nervous putter round the block drains blood from my rubicund features)
- Good to see wider publicity on the the boozer extension plans
- A welcome shot in the arm. Just what's needed to haul the Island's sleepy 'troughing 'n' sluicing' habits roarin' and retching into our millennium.
- Reassuring to see both sides saying exactly what's expected of them
- In my experience, 'improvements' to the drinking scene *always* succeed. Not sure why; I just assume that
- Most major decisions are settled over a glass of something sensible
- Boozers seem to have a firmer grasp on Life's priorities
- They stick together on matters that count
- Tipplers tend to emerge of sterner stuff than those totties in the Temperance brigade.
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