Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Satires #10, line 356*
*('Mens Sana in Corpore Sano').I've been collecting links for a separate "Health" blog with which to placate and deceive my dedicated HealthWise e-trainer, the goodly Caroline. Alas, it'll never happen: if I have time to craft corporeally sane entries of crystalline prose, I have time to grapple the Weider and sculpt those abs n pecs.
Shame to just leave the links there, so here they are in order of collection and in the aide-memoire phrases I filed them under:
- Famous Last Words (see also Suicide Link)
- Short term emotion, long term logic
- Healthwise (and the org version)
- Webmd Health Guide
- How Stuff Works: How Hangovers Work
- Diet
- Tea 'n' Toast
- 26 stages of death
- Binge drinking not for the elderly
- New brain cells for alcohol abstinence
- Bees help alkies
- Alcohol check page
- Drinkers aid
- Cigs: 106,000 killings per annum
- OK to be a quitter (smokes-wise)
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