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Friday, November 19, 2004


I hear the new Bridget Jones is pretty bloody awful ...

Good cue for spoof reject letter:
"Dear Miss Austen,

Thank you for sending your manuscript entitled Pride and Prejudice, which is not suitable for our current list. There was a time when such 'chick lit' might have found a publisher but now, I'm afraid, it is simply too outdated.

Your plot is a blatant steal from that much beloved bestseller Bridget Jones' Diary. You have simply taken a woman in search of a husband, and her inability to spot the quite obvious Mr Right who is there all along.

An accomplished writer like Helen Fielding might have been able to get away with this but you certainly cannot. I am amazed that you didn't even bother to come up with an original name for your hero - Darcy indeed!

Your manuscript is returned herewith.

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