Saturday, May 06, 2006

Maternal Returnal
Confirmation from Athens that me mum is coming back today, so frantic dusting of nooks and crannies and disappearing of absinthe and bongs.
Out, too, the strays and hangers-on ("Anyone seen that Fifi? No, the red-head's Petronella.").
Haven't been out into the wotsit since mater left, so Sam and I did a quick recce to check it was still full of all those purpley and red thingies.
Pond: Green liquidy pool at the lower level, goldfish flitting about.
Sam seems to think it potable coz he gulped away. (Memo to self: Check S's water bowl. Better still, check if he even *has* one)
Well, we know what a certain anti-jardinier's next chore will be. Aye, lick pond clean, replace poissons, tidy those bambooey shoots.
Nice view to right looking up to the Christine Wing.
More purpley plants. VIEW: Tangly greeny bushy vista. Probably terribly impressive to the jade-fingered.
I snapped it for the red fleures on the bush but they didn't come out too bright. Another reason to drop botany: can't even show off.